My approach

No question: movement is our nature!

And according to the Internet, exercise makes us stronger, fitter, happier, smarter, younger and more vital.

From science we know that our body needs regular exercise to function normally.

Therefore: Motion drives health! - First of all, any movement is better than none.
Robert Meggle betet zu Gott
However, my collected experiences, both in top-class sport and in movement therapy, have led me to the realization:

...that the body, especially when exercising, should be considered and used as a unit according to its nature.

...that systematic movement in conjunction with synchronized breathing is a wonderful medium of both activation and regeneration.

...that movement, no matter if loose or strenuous, is especially good for us, if we learn to enjoy it.
Gyrokinesis mit Robert Meggle

So, if your body feels tight or if you want to increase your performance in the most organic way possible, you need a more structured concept than just doing sports.

Simply put, this consists of practicing characteristic human motion sequences with synchronized breathing patterns. And without exception, the movements should originate in the center of the body.

Applied consistently in systematic exercise sequences, the result will be an effortlessly upright, vital and beautiful body - our birthright.

Based on this idea I developed my running concept.

The goal is to lead people, regardless of age and performance level, in simple steps to a running technique with which one runs more gently and arrives relaxed.

For this purpose I have developed exercise sequences for all aspects of a biomechanically and anatomically optimal running style.
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